Nineteen eighty-four (1984) by George Orwell

Element Value Value Standard
dc.title Nineteen eighty-four (1984)
dc.creator Orwell, George
dc.subject England – Fiction, Oceania – Fiction, Airstrip One- Fiction, Dystopia – Fiction, Communism – Fiction, Big Brother – Fiction, Winston Smith – Fiction, Doublethink – Fiction, Newspeak – Fiction, 1984-Fiction, War – Fiction
dc.description A man loses his identity while living under a repressive regime.  Winston Smith is a government employee whose job involves the rewriting of history in a manner that casts his fictional country’s leaders in a charitable light. His trysts with Julia provide his only measure of enjoyment, but lawmakers frown on the relationship — and in this closely monitored society, there is no escape from Big Brother.
dc.publisher Signet Classics
dc.contributor George Orwell July 1, 1950
dc.type Text
dc.format Paperback 328 Pages 4.3 x 0.9 x 7.6 inches
dc.identifier 978-0451524935 ISBN
dc.language en-US
dc.relation Nineteen eighty-four (1984) by George Orwell orginally published by Signet June 8, 1949
dc.rights All rights reserved

Orwell’s classic dystopia 1984 explores a future of totalitarian regime control. Even thought is monitored, for thoughtcrime is a punishable offense. In this new society, the rich have all the advantages, and the poor must suffer through a monotonous existence punctuated by the disappearance and “reprogramming” of their friends, family, and co-workers. A culture of snitching is encouraged, as to rat out someone else may keep you safe for another day. Big Brother is always watching.

Originally published in 1948, it has been banned and challenged repeatedly on social and political grounds, as well as sexual content. It ranks as high as #5 most challenged book of all time. It was banned and burned in the U.S.S.R. under Stalin’s rule for its’ negative attitude toward communism, and reading it could’ve resulted in your arrest. It has also been banned and challenged in many U.S. schools. During the Cold War, a teacher in Wrenshall, Minnesota was fired for refusing to remove 1984 from his reading list. In 1981, it was challenged in Jackson County, Florida for being pro-communism!

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